Sea Screen Academy (2016)

It was a training and mentoring program for story concept development and movie production. SEAscreen Academy is also a cultural-movie exchanging program in Asia, particularly in South East Asia. The event was a training and development program initiated by Riri Riza and Rumata’s Artspace, started in 2012. Movie “Ujan Segera Pergi”, as the idea, was developed for future movie project in the event, and, out of 20 movies, it was the first movie got the chance to be developed collaborating with well-known mentors. Production workshop and master-classes were held in the event of Asia Film Screening and Discussion, and it was participated more than 40 young moviemakers and movie-communities from East Indonesia. A search for aesthetic matter and movie industry in East Indonesia give the chance to open the world of movie globally.

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The team of Semaya (Ruang Imaji): Wucha Wulandari, Nastitya Diesta Whiwanda, and Agustinus Sudarsa

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